Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Oh how things change...

Life has a funny way of changing how you think, how you do things, or where you go.
Before I had K, I was a blubbering mess of questions, blog- reading constantly only to become more confused, confiding in friends that I just had no clue what I was doing.
It sounded like a good idea to have a strict schedule that kept my baby fed and napping at regular times.  It sounded like a great idea to keep germy people away from my beloved and those who did come near would need to bathe in bleach and Purel prior to entering my home.   It seemed like a good plan to "have it all figured out" by the time baby actually came into my life.  I read countless blog posts from other moms recommending a certain way of doing things.  Some friends telling me not to worry... I'd surely "figure it out when he got here".  Of course it seemed standard to register for cute diaper bags and children's clothes forgetting how functional something may or may not be.
Well then life slaps you in the side of the head, and laughs at you for thinking you had your shit figured out.
My germaphob attitude quickly went from wanting people to be completely sanitized prior to contact to just making sure they didn't have snot hanging from their nose or visible nastiness on their hands.  Don't get me wrong, if I know people have been sick... I take precaution.  I wash hands, and wipe things down.  But more often than not, when I see something in his mouth that more than likely has a good collection of the worlds germs on it, I stick it in the category of "building immunity".  I do believe we live in an over-sanitized world now more than ever and understand how our environment builds the immune system we all have.
His perfectly matched outfits and needing to change him after every time he spit up on his shirt quickly went out the window.  Now it goes something like this: showing up in public, taking a quick scan to make sure his outfit isn't too terribly mismatched, and that there isn't spit up visible on the neck of his shirt or down his arm.  Give him a quick sniff to make sure all is in order, and we are GOLDEN!
In the beginning I was so petrified that I wouldn't be able to breastfeed and that is what's best for my baby, blah blah... I also had intentions on following expert's guidelines for introducing foods.  As it turns out... I was lucky enough to be able to nurse my son, I still am thankfully.  There's just so much good stuff in that junk, I felt pretty passionately about it.  But about a month ago, I got this feeling I just couldn't get him filled up.  I'd tried a couple of things, but finally broke down and gave him a bottle of formula... my anxiety about that quickly disappeared when he guzzled it down and kept it all down without spitting up and seemed full and happy and content for awhile.  So now, we nurse when we are home all day, and when we are out and about and need a bottle to keep the boy happy, he gets formula and is perfectly fine with either.  Breastfeeding didn't suffer when I gave him formula.  Who the heck says you can't combo feed kids?!  With the exception of dairy, nuts, and honey... he pretty much eats whatever I may have on my plate, or at least a taste.  He has shown no signs that he's allergic to anything as of yet.  And he is a happy boy when he is eating.  It's so fun to see him react to different tastes.  And yes, sometimes I feed him with a metal fork at the restaurant!!!  For Shame!
I remember the early days when I had to put down a clean blanket where I was going to lay him down and let him have his floor time.  Fast forward to the more efficient mom days, and my now very mobile child crawls around the gym floor during basketball games and sticks his shoes in his mouth when he sits down.  **hand to head, head to lap, SIGH.
And the one that I get the biggest chuckle out of is the cute diaper bag!  I registered for 2 cute Eddie Bauer diaper bags.  They are both great bags, well made, and functional.  But my favorite, the one I can't live without, the one I recommend to all new mom friends, the one I always go back to, the one that is the most functional is the Diaper Dude.  The hand-me-down from Bart's brother.  We discuss it's effectiveness in design every time he sees me carrying it.  I'm thankful to him that I got it for free!  It's heavy duty zippers and buckles are straight and simple.  It has D rings and clips on the outside that you can attach keys to with one hand (since they are all usually full) and then don't have to search through pockets to find later!  The cross body messenger style strap fits over the handle of the stroller and even grocery carts (which is something I have found in NO other diaper bag).  Everything is accessible with one hand, when worn over your shoulder it sits on the back side of your hip and is easily to open and grab just what you need with plenty of pockets to organize your little one's things.

Those are just my top ones that I seem to encounter daily.  Each day, I learn a few new things about my kid and find an easier way of doing things.  My tiny human is still alive, happy, and healthy... so I call that a #momwin.
Moms, dads, new or experienced... What are your go-to items?  Your "I can't live without". Your advice that matters the most and the least?  Hit Me!!

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Do what makes your soul shine...

It's taken me quite a few years to figure out what makes my soul shine, i.e... what makes me happy, what drives me to be a good human, what motivates me, my life's purpose, my mission... you know what I mean.  Each and every human on the planet has a different soul.  Each and every one of those humans has different passions, goals, motivators, and purpose.  I've gone through spells where I felt lost and without purpose.  There have also been times where I felt I just needed to be good at 1 thing and make money to pay bills and the rest would just fall into place.  For me, nothing has greater meaning than being mom to my little.
I never really thought much about being a mom.  I didn't have that "mommish" instinct... I wasn't drawn to touch and hold and coo at other people's babies.  And then one day it hit me... I was 30 years old, had taken a small step backwards in my career, and just got that feeling wash over me that my time to become a mom was dwindling.  As it turns out, that is exactly what makes my soul shine.  That is exactly what makes me happy.  That one thing makes me want to be a good human each and every day to set an example for him.  He motivates me daily to do things that he needs, things that teach him how to be his own kind of human.  He was the reason I was put on this earth, he is my purpose.  I was supposed to be his mom.  With that being said, being a mom doesn't pay worth a shit. (excuse the language).
So what do you do?  My first step was to take other people's children into my home to take care of them.  I am only willing to do this on a very small scale... ya know I don't want to go crazy,  I want to continue being a good human.   I've struggle to really figure out how to "mom" effectively plus do all the normal everyday chores that keeps a house functioning.  It always seems the second I start something, there's a fussy child that is bored in his walker, jumper, play mat, toys... whatever.
So what to do next?  Because watching other people's children doesn't pay worth a shit either.  Like I can pay bills on $3.75/ hour.  A quick search on the web will show endless lists of side hustle gigs you can do to make money from home.  Selling stuff... turns out I suck at selling stuff.  Some of them involve being on the phone... well that's out.  You should hear this place sometimes.  That also kind of throws out transcription or data entry because.... well I doubt I could be real good at any of that with that noise factor I mentioned.  The number one listed stay at home money makers for moms was blogging.  So they say you can pick a niche or not...  which is something I have failed to do.  I don't have specialties... I'm kinda all over the place.  So the fancy term for these are "lifestyle" blogs.  So I guess that's what I've got.  But I think the idea is that you post more than once every few months.  Ugh.  Here goes nothing, I'm going to get serious about this.  Any other blogging stay at home moms out there have any advice?  Ready, GO!!

20 truths

Today I'll let you in on 20 truths you may or may not know about me.  Don't anybody go taking offense to anything... it's just m...