Wednesday, June 27, 2018

20 truths

Today I'll let you in on 20 truths you may or may not know about me.  Don't anybody go taking offense to anything... it's just my silly little opinion.  Hit the little X on the top of the page if you don't like it.  Some of it's weird... some is pretty common...  So here goes nothing.

  • The ocean terrifies me.  It's the power.  It is so unpredictable.  The depth is unknown to me.
  •  My favorite color to paint my toenails is red.  Classic. 
  • I love cheesecake.  
  • I also love peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches.  My grandma use to make it for me, genius ole lady she was!
  • I have never seen Starwars or The Sound of Music.  And I have absolutely no desire to ever see any of the Starwars movies.  No, I'm not that crazy... and No, I'm not missing out on anything. 
  • Johnny Cash is one of the best musicians who ever lived.  And I believe his story is what intrigues me the most and draws me to enjoy his music.  I too, feel comfortable in black. 
  • I still have my childhood collection of hotwheels. 
  • I still like to doodle and color. 
  • My favorite color is Tiffany Blue.  You know to decorate with and such.  I don't wear it well so it accents my house over and over. 
  • The fall depresses me.  It reminds me that summer is over and the rain and fog are coming back to haunt me.  #badOregonian.
  • People who chew with their mouth open really drive me quite crazy.  I know it isn't their fault because likely it means nobody taught them that manner.  But man, it just annoys me so bad. 
  • My first car was a mustang.  But not the cool kind. 
  • Music is one of my strongest triggers for memories.  Good or bad.  A song can take me right back to a certain place and time and remind me what I was doing. 
  • My beautiful leather cowboy boots are my favorite pair of shoes.  
  • I drive a large diesel pickup with pearls hanging from the rear view. 
  • I've worked at doctor's offices for many many years, I've also seen every episode of Grey's Anatomy and House... therefore I'm basically a doctor.  ;)
  • I need to have coffee in my life.  That's just all there is to say about that. 
  • I love to read.  Rarely have time to do it... but love to read.  
  • I hate the feeling of stuff on my hands.  No lotion, no nothing.  Yuck.  They need to be clean and dry.  Yes they are always dry and cracked from washing junk off of them 13,000 times a day... What's a girl to do?
  • Diesel fumes and dirt run through my blood.   I owe all of that to my dad who had me out in the tractor at such a young age.  One of my favorite places to be is in the cab of a tractor.  
Well there's 20 truths you may not have known about me.  Feel free to share some of your truths, I'd love to know.  Do we have similarities?  Are you the complete opposite?  Share, Share, Share!!!

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20 truths

Today I'll let you in on 20 truths you may or may not know about me.  Don't anybody go taking offense to anything... it's just m...