Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Mama Bear has something to say.

I try and stick with things that are going to keep me out of trouble when I write.  But sometimes I just can't help myself.  Self control isn't my strong suit.  If you don't like controversial matters, hit the back button now.  :)

I've been involved with a few different conversations over the last weeks that continue to strike me as odd.  I guess they are being presented to me in lesser obvious ways to serve as a learning experience for when I begin teaching my child the rights and wrongs of the world.

First and foremost… the right way to raise a child is YOUR way.  No one else's will do.  Take what you've learned from others and make it your own.  If someone looks upon you and disagrees, I would expect nothing from them.  They are entitled to their own opinion… but I usually don't feel the need to know other people's view.  I do not want to see a disapproving look or a disgusted comment from them.  With that being said, why would one feel the need to point out how they think you SHOULD be doing things?  Are people really this brave and interested in confrontation?  I already know the answer to that.  So I'll say this to anyone who reads it… it is inadvisable to confront me in regards to how I choose to raise my son.  You will not like the outcome.  Mama bear gets growly.  I promise to be a good citizen and do everything that is humanly possible to make sure he doesn't grow up to be an axe murderer or a drug dealer.
Small children have a tendency to say things that may or may not be entirely politically correct.  The whole PC topic is one for another day.  It's been taken a little too far, I think.  I'm of the opinion that if you don't like what I say… don't listen.  Teaching a young child the differences in right and wrong is nothing short of difficult.  Training them the appropriate way to talk is going to be tricky, I have no doubt.  Telling my 3 month old that it's rude to yell at me in public when he's hungry… yeah he doesn't listen.  It takes a persistent and loving parent to help them figure this crazy world out.  And again, I promise to do my best and teach, train, and tell him what is appropriate and what is not so as not to sound like a total lunatic when he speaks.  But as he's learning while he's young, he may offend a few along the way.  He's a child.  Give him a break.  And I'm his parent, doing the best I can… give me a break too.  We are not intending to offend you… most likely.
I won't dig too deep on the breast-feeding in public topic either.  If you're comfortable, do it.  If your not, don't.  If you are offended by a breast in public, don't look.  If you're not, appreciate the natural act of providing for the infant.
I sometimes see parents give their child unnecessary items or money with the intent to make their life better than what they were raised with.  Spending outrageous amounts of money that they don't have to spend.  Or giving things that are privileges not rights for the child to have.  It's a topic I definitely have an opinion about but I don't preach to other parents that I disagree with the way they do things.  I believe that the only person they will learn a work ethic from is us as parents and if I am not willing to teach them the meaning of the dollar or the meaning of earning one, they will forever be of the opinion that everything is owed to them.  If you are a parent who believes in giving little Suzie everything her heart desires and all she has to say is "Mama, I want…" and that works and she ends up growing into a wonderful productive member of society, I will commend you for your efforts.  Until then, I'll raise my son slightly differently.
Kannon is also not allowed to date until he's well into his twenties.  I know I know, I'm just kidding.  I'm not that out of touch with reality.  I know that is a little too over protective.  My mother used to tell me, "you can do whatever you want when you are 18."  I took her incredibly seriously.  On my 18th birthday in April during my senior year of high school, I skipped school with a forged note from my parents and went to a tattoo parlor and inked my body for the first time.  When my mother found out… "I meant you could do whatever you want when you are 30."
What's my point?  Do I even have one?  Who the hell knows?  This may be the most random thing I've ever written without a point or a good flow even.  A friend recently asked "Isn't that what a blog is supposed to be, random writings?"  Again… who the hell knows?  Don't judge kiddos while their parents are trying their best to teach them.  And if you're that percentage of parents who want to give little Suzie everything her little spoiled heart desires… shame on you… and that is MY opinion, might wanna hit that back button, forget you ever read what I wrote.

I wish I had a better point… maybe I just wanted to vent.  I've given no advice, I've really done nothing.  Until next time friends...

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