Monday, January 2, 2017

2017… could it be true?

I suppose writer's block is a good excuse.  Although, I don't necessarily consider myself a writer, I've been lazy.  I have thought about it, I've procrastinated, I've made excuses, I've been "too busy", and now I'm disappointed in myself.  Am I required to post?  No, not even a little bit.  But I miss it.  Blogging was a way I had started to express creativity in different ways.  

So here we are in a new year and everybody's making all kinds of crazy resolutions for the new year and I'm over here like, "I just want to get back to my blogging."  So here goes my best effort.  

2016 was filled with too much to recap (since I've been out of touch on here since June).  We've lived in a couple of different locations (and climates) during the course of the year, we've ventured out on numerous camping trips, changed jobs, met new people, and made some great memories.  Life is centered around basketball for a good portion of the year, and that's just the way we like it.  We travel when we can, we take trips together, we help one another, we get mad at each other, and we LIVE.  That's the one I'm most proud of.  Our family loves the "on-the-go lifestyle".  No matter how tired we get or how out of money we feel, we stay on the move.  We find activities to do, we see different parts of the state, we repeat the trips we love, and we make time for each other.  

My favorite weekends are spent just like this:  We typically cram ourselves and our bags for 3 days in the small gas saver vehicle that is less than luxurious or super comfortable.  We take off to wherever there is a basketball tournament happening for the weekend.  Sometimes in a town that we've frequented too many times to count.  The two growing boys in the backseat with their blankets and basketball bags with headphones on or a squabbling match quickly escalating love to play basketball.  And they are so fun to watch.  They understand the game that their dad taught them better than most high school players.  Their coach in the driver seat and me, well I like to sleep during car rides.  :)  We usually arrive at a 3.5 star hotel, nothing fancy… typically a Best Western or Holiday Inn.  Wherever has a hot tub and free breakfast included in the price of the room.  Saturdays are filled with basketball, bleacher butts, and good times with great friends.  Tradition usually says we have dinner with the team and their parents somewhere fun like Buffalo Wild Wings (because boys love that place) and they are everywhere.  Our backup plan is the good ole standby Pizza Hut with wings ordered to our hotel room.  We snuggle down in our beds in a non-fancy hotel room after we've visited the hot tub for a good soak.  Everybody tired, happy and content.  Sunday will be filled with the same thing basketball games, quick energy attaining snacks, the constant search for a store to get a gatorade and stock up on water for the next game (typically the championship on Sunday).  At the end of the afternoon after they win their 4th game of the weekend, the team goes their separate ways and we all head home.  The point of this little story is that it doesn't take much to make us all happy.  When we are together, we do best.  

So here's to another year of making memories and we'll start by watching SING in the theater this beautiful sunny afternoon.  

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