Friday, May 20, 2016


My name is Tiffany and I have OCD tendencies and am kind of a control freak.  I've known this now for a number of years.  I am unable to change it and have chosen to embrace my freakish ways.  

I'm willing to share here a few of my Tiffany-ISMS.  I feel that as long as I'm willing to admit them whole-heartedly that it makes them okay. 

First of all, the most important one is that there IS a correct and an incorrect way to load a toilet paper roll onto the dispenser.  The new square should always feed on the top of the roll.  The other way is obviously backwards.  This rule, to my mother, is ridiculous.  My mother also has OCD tendencies, so the fact that she does not feel this topic holds the kind of importance that it does, baffles me.  
I shall share a quick story.  The last office I worked in had a large number of employees with multiple restrooms.  The restroom closest to my desk had approximately 8 stalls.  When I enter the restroom, I always go to the same stall.  And every day the toilet paper was installed into the dispenser incorrectly.  Nobody really knows the frustration that causes me.  

It's a wonderful thing if you have decided to be a good citizen and help take out the garbage.  Whether it be a chore that someone has deemed yours to take care of or you're just feeling helpful it doesn't matter.  The act of taking out the garbage is a multi-step process.  Please don't half-ass it.  You may as well not do any of it at all.
1.  Take full garbage bag out of the can. 
2.  Take said full garbage bag outside to the dumpster.
3.  Bring your happy rear-end back in the house and REPLACE the garbage can liner. 
Now, you have successfully completed the process.

I count stairs.  Yes, that's all there is really to say about that. 

I cannot wear a greasy film that some call lotion on my hands.  

There is a difference in the following words: their, there, and they're.  And if I see them used incorrectly on Facebook, I  will "unfollow" you. 

If you plan to travel in the left lane, please be patient and wait your turn to pass all of the slow ones in the right lane.  If you are one of the ones that will pass 5 cars all traveling the same speed, on the right and then immediately slam on your brakes and cut off all 5 vehicles.  Prepare to receive death glares from my rig.  

I hate the word moist.  


1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain about the toilet paper rolls. It's utterly maddening that the HP janitorial staff will sometimes get it right, and other times get it so completely wrong.


20 truths

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